Monday, July 31, 2017

2017 Summer July 31 Monday

2017 Summer July 31 Monday

79 degrees this morning, no walk due to schedule

Sitting on the patio this morning, there is a real coolness in the area even at 79 degrees.  Debated walking, but due to an early schedule  decided to skip it today.  

Thinking about the book I'm listening to on the Industrial Revolution, I can see where history is important, assuming that we can learn from past historical trends.  

What is surprising to me is that while of course there is a lot of difference between the development of the canals and the internet, the impact is just as great on the people living at that time.

The canals literally connected the original 13 colonies to the “west” (probably midwest or what I would consider a northeastern area now) and made a huge difference on how business was connected since it allowed bulk shipping at relatively low rates as well as easy transport of people.

Of course, the railroads had even more of an impact and superseded the canals in importance.  

Since “you don’t know what you’re missing if you don’t have it” (for example, in my lifetime, smart phones, the internet, personal computers etc. were developed), I expect the impact of the new technologies had as much or more of an impact as the current  technology advances.  

From what I learned about working conditions etc, I think there have been some significant changers in working conditions and expectations about jobs and job conditions etc. 

I happened to read about the books being assigned to incoming college students and decided I’d at least look at some of them.

The first book I started reading (primarily because I couldn’t recheck it from the Library so it was the first one due) is “Silence” by Endo Shusaku.  This was actually published in 1969 and is a novel about some of the early Christian  missionaries who went to Japan.  

This is not a book I would normally read to say the least, but I picked it up to  look at it and got involved in the story.  I’m not quite sure why I got interested in it, even after reading half of it, but I will see.  

Unfortunately, as I mentioned, I can’t recheck it and it is now overdue, so I am faced with the dilemma  of just keeping the book (the cheapest and most convenient route) until I finish it, buying it, or checking it in an rechecking it and read it later.  Hopefully I can get it finished shortly, although it is not an easy read.  

I am reading more and more about how the current antics of the President and Congress will diminish their future power and influence and the power and influence of government overall  

Most of the persons forecasting this think it is a good idea, some say they have too much power and authority now and it needs to be cut back.

They may have a point, but I think the real danger right now is the permanent  damage the lying bully and his group of cringing toadies,  criminals, Nazis and Fascists can do to the country unless the GOP develops a backbone and courage to stop them.  

Thank goodness for CNN, the New York Times and Washington Post and other news media that doesn’t bow and cower before the lying bully.

That’s it for now, Monday, July 31, 2017.  

Sunday, July 30, 2017

2017 Summer July 30 Sunday

2017 Summer July 30 Sunday

76 degrees this morning, walk 35:06 minutes 

Really actually was cool this morning. Coolish during the walk and almost cold now sitting on the patio.  Well, not really “cold” cold, but very coolish in the night air.  Actually feels good.

Pace was 17 seconds slower than my goal (sigh).  I have a hard time setting a higher goal when I have a hard time meeting the relatively slow goal I have.  Frequently there is as much as almost a 45 second “swing” for one day to the next in my pace.

The pace is “per mile”, so the 45 seconds is “per mile”.  Difficult to understand how my walk could differ that much.

I did learn some things from my error yesterday.  For early readers (before I revised the post),I couldn’t locate the data (time, pace, distance, elevation, heartbeat etc.) from my walk, but I found it. 

I found out I actually had a lot more information from my walking than I realized and I had been using only one page of it.

So I have information on my heartbeat, elevation etc. and trends etc. that I never realized (or cared) I had.  Maybe some day.

I do have a “cardiogram” app that measures my heartbeat all day, my resting heartbeat (41 bpm, resting to about 51 bpm), my average during my walk (about 95 bpm), and my peak (104 to 111 bpm).  Probably means I’m not all that energetic.  There is also a lot of other information. 

Listening to the “Great Course” on the Industrial Revolution always provide me with some new concepts, thoughts for facts.

I had never thought about “part interchangeability” before and how it is so important.  I learned that until about 1890, parts had to be “fitted” by craftsmen who filed, cut and whatever else it took to make parts fit to the final product. 

I assume when repairs were made, they couldn’t just get a part and fit it in like we do (or like we can do if we know what we are doing!).  They would actually have to “fit” the new part.  

On a gun or steam engine (which tended to blow up) that could be a good skill to have!

Colt revolvers almost went bankrupt until the 1849 Gold Rush where everyone was told to bring revolvers.  While the guns were mass-produced, they still needed to have the parts “fitted” for the final product.

Actually, true interchangeability wasn’t perfected until a bicycle manufacturer named (I believe) Pope, Eli Whitney, Singer (sewing machines)  and others in the 1890’s.  

I really hadn’t thought about how interchangeability of parts is, both in the manufacturing process and the repairs later on, but it is absolutely essential  

I see some of the robots work today and obviously they could not do it without interchangeability  tolerances that are probably exact to the millionth of an inch or whatever.  

Also, Samuel Morse (inventor of the Morse Code) was originally a painter, a relatively famous painter and he quit painting in disgust after he didn’t get a contract on the White House.  He went on to invent the actual Morse Code, or actually build on the work of others to standardize it.

His message “What Hath God Wrought” was not a question, but a statement.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 30, 2017.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

2017 Summer July 29 Saturday

79 degrees this morning, walk normal walk but no time.

This is a correction, I was able to find out the details of my morning walk, apparently there are a number of views you can set up.

Anyway, my Pace was about 13 seconds above my goal, which didn't really surprise me.

Although it is 79 degrees this morning it is almost cool sitting on the patio this morning.  There is a cool breeze.  Not that I am complaining!

Listening to the book on the “Industrial Revolution”, i was thinking about the centering of the book on England (the author is from England).  

Most history etc. I have read is centered around the United States (logically enough, not complaining about it just stating a fact). 

While listening to this book, which is wholly England centered at this stage, I was wondering how I would have reacted if all of our history books had their basic center in England, Canada, China or wherever. 

Anyway, this morning, the author notes that the Industrial Revolution was almost entirely based in England in the 1600’s and early 1700’s logically and actually did’t start in the United States until the early 1800’s or so.  

He had noted previously that England had a deficit in trees (and probably other natural resources) so this affected a lot of their trade policies and politics.

He emphasized the lack of infrastructure in the United States, and water transportation was eh primary means of shipping etc.

Looking at the Crepe Myrtle, I really enjoy each aspect of Summer.  Although I love the Crepe Myrtle “blooming”, it also usually means that the second half of Summer has started.  

The first part of Summer weather (usually about late May) is so good because it feels like it will go on forever.  Than actual Summer starts and the sunlight  starts to shorten each day.  

Than about July, the Crepe Mrytles bloom, it gets hot etc. and the days get shorter.

Then school starts, Fall arrives and winter weather gradually starts and it seems like Summer will never return!

This Winter, we have definitely decided we are going someplace warm, and get a break from the cool weather.  Even though our Winters are relatively mild, it is still cold and nasty, the days (that is the daylight time) is short, the leas are off the trees etc. 

But that is the reason I like to just enjoy the summer weather while it is here.  I act like it is limited (which is is) and I will enjoy it while it is here.

That’s it for now, Saturday, July 29, 2017

Friday, July 28, 2017

2017 Summer July 28 Friday

79 degrees this morning Walk 34:37 minutes

Walk seemed about normal temperature wise, but sitting on the patio without any wind or breeze, I feel the heat.  Strange (or perhaps wonderful) what a little bit of wind will do.

Pace was six seconds below my goal pace.  As I have discussed before, I wonder about the impact of a goal on actual performance.  Probably in my case the impact isn’t much since I consciously am aware of my pace for only short spans.  

Probably if I was offered a large sum of money to exceed my goal and meet a much faster goal, I could probably do it up to a point.  

Of course, threatening to beat me up if I didn’t meet my goal may have as big of an impact if not more. 

It brings up the discussion on “which is more important, the carrot or the stick”.  I always thought the carrot was more effective, at least in a comprehensive way.  The “stick” may be more effective in short-term, concentrated efforts.  

Frankly, I have never found the stick to be effective in most areas, except perhaps as a means of dramatically introducing consequences to unacceptable behavior.  Of course, then you get into a discussion on who decides what is unacceptable behavior.  

Probably a major consideration is “whose goal” is it? If it is my goal, you probably won’t be all that energetic about meeting it, on the other hand if you make it “my goal” also, then I suddenly may be more committed to it!

I believe the key to all of this is making “my goal” and “your goal”, “our goal” we are all committed to the same thing.

Simple to say, but hard to do!

One thing I have noticed that dramatically impacts my journal each morning is whether I have walked or not.  I don’t know if it is better or worse, but the words flow much easier when I have exercised earlier.  

Of course, as soon as I write that (that words flow better after exercise), I think of all the exceptions to the view which basically means it probably isn’t a factor!  

It may be the stimulation of listening to a book or even to music also starts my thoughts rolling, or maybe id really doesn’t matter.   

A little early to  be writing about the end of July, but it is had to believe July of 2017 is almost over.  

I guess I am now a “certified” Senior Citizen or an Old Geezer (take your pick) since I am getting Social Security.  Fortunately I don’t need to worry about being either one, I can just be myself.

One thing I noticed about young children is their basic natural acceptance of you (or not) without regard to age, or other social stereotypes.  (Gender probably still matters, but not in the normal sense that adults use it as a stereotype.)  
Glad it is Friday.  Although I enjoy my job, it is nice to have the weekend roll up.

That’s it for now, Friday, July 28, 2017.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

2017 Summer July 27 Thursday

84 degrees this morning, rain, no walk  

Noted the headline this morning that “Charter Schools” are suing the state that they aren’t ripping off the state enough and “deserve” more money.  

There are some excellent Charter schools, but I have observed many are just ripping off the system, self dealing etc.  Regardless, there extreme greed makes me very angry.  They knew what the funding was when they started, they need to deal with it.  Instead they are costing millions of dollars in attorney fees trying to rip off the system even more than they already are.

On a good point of news, the state is trying to find ways to reduce the prison population by releasing more non-violent offenders.  

One factor that I think is very unfair is the “bond” requirements where someone can actually spend months in jail for a traffic violation where the penalty isn’t even prison!  Hard to believe our society actually accepts such cruel and inhumane treatment of minor offenses.  

It is almost like the “debtors  prison” and “workhouses” I am listening about in the course on the Industrial Revolution.  Maybe worse, since they may or may not be guilty.

Not sitting on the patio this morning due to the rain.  I always kind of wonder what I would be writing if I was sitting out on the patio (or vice versa).

During our recent vacation, someone observed that they had always lived around mountains.  I remember reading about the impact of the environment on people, if people who grew up around mountains, the desert, the ocean etc. were different due to the environment.

I think the only thing they decided was that is you moved from one environment to another you could feel uneasy etc.  in the absence your normal environment, which makes sense.

I thought about that the other day when I saw a beautiful sunset.  Due to trees around our house, we don’t see the sunset often (as is true with anyone who lives  in an urban area I assume).  Of course, here we could simply drive a few  minutes and see the sunset.  

One thing I do really like about this area is the long evening, the sun doesn’t set until late, as later as 9;00 p.m. at the height of Summer.  

Of course, that is offset by a later sunrise, but that is easy to deal with!

Technology is sometimes difficult to deal with, my printer insisted yesterday on “cleaning the printing heads” when I was in a hurry, my coffee maker is screaming about being “descaled” and my computer, iPad etc.  keeps wanting to update.  

It seems with all the advanced technology there is a way they could do this without being such a painful experience!

That’s it for now, Thursday, July 27, 2017.  

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

2017 Summer July 26 Wednesday

81 degrees this morning (feels like 85), walk 33:57 minutes

Felt a little warm during my walk, but sitting on the patio now, it feels just perfect.  There is a light breeze and there is that night coolness in the air.

I remember sleeping out on the porch when I was a child and now I know why I enjoyed it so much.  Of course, we didn’t have air conditioning either!

I have thought about taking my morning nap out here on the patio, but haven’t really progressed beyond the wishful thinking phase.  It is just so nice and pleasant out here.

I would probably want a cot to keep away from creeping crawlies.  

Pace was 26 seconds faster than my goal, almost a record I think.  I didn’t feel I was walking that fast, but that seems to be the way it is.

The current walking shoes are coming to the end of their service life, although I will continue to wear them for causal wear, probably for years.  

Actually, in the summer I almost never wear shoes except for work (when I work in the field) and occasionally for a meeting etc.  Otherwise, during the summer climate, it is sandals.

Listening to the Great Course on the Industrial Revolution.  

Struck me as current news in a way that in the early 1800’s, industry paid off Parliament to eliminate the minimum wage and other worker protections as a way  of “economic development” and “eliminate regulations”.  Sounds like the currently coward lying bully so called president and his GOP toadies. 

I have to admit, I was already disgusted with the lying coward bully and his corrupt and criminal administration, but the attempt to “Hitlerize” the Boy Scouts was a new low, even for him.  

What is really upsetting is this fiasco and attempt to politicize what is an American tradition didn’t get any criticism.  It was truly an un-American racist and sexist speech to 30,000 teenagers who are taught to respect authority etc.   They lying bully is truly severely mentally ill and should be removed for his mental illnesses.

What was really upsetting was the sight of two of his henchman (one with the stenchful audacity to wear a Boy Scout uniform) grinning and slobbering approval of his appalling racist and sexist comments.

Another fiasco  is his cowardly attacks on someone who works for him.  Even the lowest level or newest supervisor knows only a coward bully of the lowest intelligence or ethics would attempt to humiliate an employee in public.  I think even the most cowardly supervisor knows you criticize in person and not in public. This coward bully obviously has no qualifications to be in the position he is.

Again, what is worse, is the kow towing by the Senators and Representatives and staff members and the complete lack of criticism of these cowardly and illegal actions.  Instead they slobber and do you know what to a coward bully who doesn’t deserve any respect.  

I more of less decided not to “rant”, but frankly I think the cowardly sexist and racist comments to Boy Scout and the attempt to Hilterize American youth and his cowardly attack on a subordinate are simply too much, and  even more the lack of criticism for these actions.  I’m sure they will all say a version of “we were only following orders” when the American people finally demand an accounting. 

That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 26, 2017. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

2017 Summer July 25 Tuesday

78 degrees this morning Walk 34:22 minutes

Overall good walk this morning, little or no breeze, which may have made it seem hotter  Pace was exactly on the goal, to the exact second.  

I drink a lot of water in the morning (and throughout the day for that matter). 

Listening to the Great Course on the Industrial Revolution.  

One important factor he discusses is the importance of the “tool makers” for the Industrial Revolution, much as now the actual manufacturing of the advanced technologies still determines the actual success or failure of the product, or at least required for a successful project.

Of course, perhaps even more important, he discusses the tools that manufacturing the parts etc. used. 

For example, the early screws and nuts and bolts were made on hand lathes etc., so the product was not standardized at the best.  Each nut and bolt were individually made for the other etc. and the tolerances were a problem with high pressure engines.  

Early steam engines were actually used to run the lathes etc., allowing much closer tolerances snd more standardized parts.  

I actually can see the same creativity and spirit in the persons in the 17th, 18 century etc.  as now with the advancements in technology.  

When I think of all the small nuts, bolts et. in most any product, I am amazed that it all comes together!  

In the more darker aspect of the Industrial Revolution, he mentions the life of the “working class” person.  

I think when we romanize the past, we all think we would be the Tycoon, the leaders and rulers, upper class etc.

However it is much more likely we would have been the working class, lower class etc., just as a result of the Wheel of Fortune, since there were a lot more of them!

The standards for  the working class were poor to say the least.   They worked long hours in dangerous conditions, for little pay and were generally cheated as much as possible and simply didn’t have the  money to  time to fight it.  

He mentioned their pay was generally low, and frequently was in “company store scrip”, which could only reused at the “company store” where prices were high and quality was low.  

More on this later!

That’s it for now, Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Monday, July 24, 2017

2017 Summer July 24 Monday

75 degrees this morning  Walk 34:48 minutes

Walk was very comfortable weather wise this morning.  Pace was 6 seconds slower than my goal.

Another Courter Reunion over, the 70th Courter Reunion.  Over the past 20 years of so, the Courter Reunion has become somewhat of a marker for me.  A chance to just talk about events in our lives and, more internally, a chance for me to review my past year.  

Over the years it changed from an afternoon event to a weekend event.  The weekend is much better, since you have a chance to just relax and talk with people without concern about only having a brief amount of time to talk with everyone.  

I also leave with the feeling that now I have a year before the next event to finally lose that last few pounds of weight I have been trying to lose, finish that project so I can brag about it or whatever.  

Of course, like everything, the internet and Facebook etc. have impacted the Reunion as we are all more up to date etc.

I did get a chance to go to Wichita State University.  It was somewhat of a trip down memory lane, although obviously much had changed and I would recognize little snippets here and there of my past.  

Of course, I only spent about 15 months there, but the impact of the experience of getting my Masters Degree, having the military service behind me and the feeling my life was starting (career wise etc.) was larger than the 15 months I spent there. 
I did recognize the theater where I saw “Carnal Knowledge”, it still is showing movies.  None of the places I lived are standing anymore.

The campus itself was an experience because it had changed enough that really didn’t recognize any patterns, but I recognized many of the buildings etc. and I realize some of the buildings may have never made it to my conscious mind while I was attending school there.  

There is a Starbucks, either on campus or extremely close to campus (I am actually sure it is on campus) which I am sure was not there when I was on campus!

I didn’t have any regret about the campus, I was very pleased that it has changed in the many years since I was there, and mainly changed for the positive with what I see as a facility to prepare current college age students for their future. 

I did recognize the McDonalds (obviously much upgraded, probably several times in the past 43 years) where I would occasionally eat.  I was trying to go to school on the GI bill benefits and it was an exercise in learning how to spend as little money as possible!  McDonalds was a way of eating out without spending a lot of money on basically decent food.

I did try working part-time and realized it would be better for me to bear down and finish my degree and start work rather than to worry about having money while I was attending!  Also, it probably helped my studying that I didn’t have a lot of money to run around and had adequate time for studying without a job!

I wish I had kept a journal then.  I would like to have some sort of document that indicated my thoughts and feelings at the time, and not through the lens of the history of the time since I graduated.  

But like everything else, even if I didn’t start back then, I am glad I started when I did! 

I expect the Courter Reunion of 2018 will be here before I know it.  I like it because it gives me a chance to think about the events of the past year, where we have been and where we are going.  

That’s it for now, Monday, July 24, 2017.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

2017 Summer July 23 Sunday

71/81 degrees this morning.  

Rain, lightning during night.  Big drop in temperatures from 104 degrees or so yesterday! I now the wind was high last night and a lot of lightning, but I don’t believe there was any hail etc.  

I look for any indication of what the city was like when I graduated from Wichita State University many years ago, but other than the imposing grain elevators, don’t see anything that brings back any specific memories.  

Roads have shifted and structures that were “new” back when I was in graduate school are now “old” or even demolished.  

Of course, I haven’t gone by the college campus and probably really don’t intend to visit anyplace.  I expect things have changed a lot, maybe sometime we’ll take a trip here and look around when we have time, although I don’t really have any big desire to see that changes.  

Not that I don’t think I’d like the changes, based on what I have read, I admire Wichita State University for the progressive advancements in the campus and the student experience. 

Quite frankly, when I read about some of the destructive behavior of many of the “leaders” in Kansas, I simply have no desire to support anything in Kansas.  

I do admire the Kansas Senator who had the courage to stand up to the lying bully and support the needs of his constituents, but then there is the extreme nut who is trying to disenfranchise millions of voters so the lying bully and the extremist billionaires can steal the next election, including local elections etc. and it makes me want to get out of the state fast.  

I know it doesn’t make any sense, but I simply don’t want to support a state that has lost it’s direction and become beholden to the kook bothers and similar nuts and is intent to destroying it citizens to benefit the wealthy.  

While I never watch “fakefoxnews”, I happened to run across a headline while I was surfing the channels in the hotel room and I was shocked at the misleading and totally false headline I saw.  Of course, when I saw it was “fakefoxnews” I realized the reason for the lying headline.  

Anyway, enough of the negative rant, I really do try to avoid it, but the pretensions and self-righteous  greedy behavior is sickening  

July 23, 2017 already.  While I realize time will pass, I didn’t realize it went buy quite of fast  10 years ago, I noted that “In ten years I will be 70”, but I really didn’t expect the time to pass so fast. 

I think I especially notice time pass in the goals and hopes and dreams of myself and the people I know.  Sometimes, you make a lot of progress, other times I look at my goals of years  past and realize I still haven’t accomplished them or even taken any steps to accomplish them!  On the other hand, it may just be the result of my priorities. 

Watching tv in “live” mode is now an unusual experience as we watch almost anything we watch (including sports) on a “time shift” basis.  I reach for the remote and realize I can’t fast forward it!

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 23, 2017.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

2017 Summer July 22 Saturday

83/81 degrees this morning.  No walk.

Heat hit as high (briefly) as 108 degrees yesterday although the “actual” temperature on the was a high of 106 degrees.

Better than cold weather!

Courter Reunion time, good visiting with everyone and more or less catching up.

It always surprises me how many persons attending we meet just by accident (as we are arriving etc.)  Maybe there really is some sort of connection!

As the summer progresses, we hope our air conditioner stays ok.  It is getting old, although it still does a good job.

The “Nest”Thermostats are amazing.  I wish they had a little more scheduling flexibility (schedule for a month ahead), but it is so much simpler to schedule them.  

We are looking at their security options (right now I am only aware of their camera), maybe we can use their cameras with a basic security system.  

I really don’t like all of the service companies who want a “contract” for three years or whatever, it seems if they do a good job you will keep using them anyway.  If they aren’t, why do they want an unhappy customer?  

What really turns me off is the ones that sneak in an “automatic” renewal that “automatically” renews for a year or so if you don’t cancel it.  I have decided I am going to refuse to sign any such “contracts” with an automatic renewal clause, since they are basically just sneaky.

I know magazines tried it (or probably still do it) and I just cancelled the subscription.  Of course, now I can read it on-line if I really want to read it.  

Actually, my only magazine subscription now (other than some membership magazines like Toastmasters and ACBL) is Consumer Reports and that is more out of loyalty, although I still  read the regular magazine although they web site is updated and excellent when I need to use it.

Thinking again about the daily newspaper.  The Washington Post has such as good “i newspaper”  I can’t imagine even trying to actually subscribe to the actual newspaper.  The local newspaper has a really excellent website and notifications etc., but I still like getting the actual physical newspaper. 

The Wall Street Journal, I have thought about canceling, as much for their extremist beliefs as not having time to read it and being able to read the gist of it on-line.  Also I figure any news media that supports the lying bully can’t be trusted, but so far I can’t see a lot where their “opinion” pages influence their news.  I thought about switching to the “on-line” version only just to show my feelings about their extremist beliefs and may will do so yet.

One physical newspaper I’m not sure if I can replace is the Sunday New York Times.  While it is on-line also, something about reading it is an event I don’t want to lose right now.  

Probably the best on-line newspaper I have see is the Memphis Commercial Appeal “replica”.  Other newspapers just don’t get the “replica” right, but somehow the Memphis Commercial Appeal gets it right.  

Of course, the problem with newspapers, tv or whatever is just having the time to read them.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, July 22, 2017.