Wednesday, November 30, 2016

2016 Fall November 30 Wednesday

36 degrees this morning, walk 35:13 minutes

The last month of 2016 starts tomorrow, time flies!

Our furnace still isn’t fixed, wrong type of blower motor (of course). Oddly enough, it hasn’t gotten that cold in the house.  I don’t know if it is insulation, or somehow the furnace for the “bonus room” is heating the entire house.  

The bonus room is upstairs and we keep the door closed, so I doubt if it is hearing the entire house, especially since heat rises.  

One of the fun things about owning a house, finding someone competent to do necessary work, and then getting someone out. At least the one doing this work shows up on time etc.  

Definitely going to get a “Nest” Thermostat, not looking forward to the lead time necessary to learn the programming, but that is part of it.  Also concerned about getting it installed.  

The term “anyone can do it” doesn’t apply to me when it comes to mechanical ability.   I have none, even though I like to think I have some, especially if I closely follow the instructions.  However, electrical is where I draw the line, unless there is no electricity in the installation. 

In any event, I know better than to try to start the installation of something like the “Nest”.  If it wasn’t winter, I might try it, but it is.

Listening to my “Great American Literature” lectures, I am currently on Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises”.       

It is a very interesting discussion on the various characters, Hemingway himself, and his writing style.

The lecturer mentioned that Hemingway managed to “say a lot in an empty space”.  That was an interesting thought.  I’ll have to mull that over.

Another dream.          

Dream 11-29-16:

Dream for some reason was in an area where there was a lot of trash.  

I was walking down the street and turned a corner which was very dark.  I was standing adjusting to the dark when a man in a wheelchair bumped into me and said “excuse me” and went on.

I tried to pull my iPhone out of the packet so I could use it’s flashlight, but i was wearing gloves and couldn’t pull it out. 

Another wheelchair game in, this time, the man got out, folded it out and handed it to someone living behind some rubbish.

It happened again.  

Tried to get my iPhone out sos I could see what was going on while thinking that it wouldn’t  be very good light.

The street was full of junk and debris

I woke up

Not sure where this dream came from.  The location appeared to be dirt streets and the dark street went up some.  It seemed to be a downtown industrial area.   

That’s it for now, Wednesday, November 30, 2016.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

2016 Fall November 29 Tuesday

47 degrees this morning, walk 35:02 minutes

We woke up yesterday morning and somehow it felt colder.  Realized our furnace had gone out!  Fortunately, our house seems to hold heat relatively well, so it has maintained at around 74 degrees even though it is in 40’s outside.  

It was the blower mower, and hopefully it will be replaced at around noon today.  I did some research, and sometimes when it seems it is the blower motor it is actually something more serious.  Here’s hoping!

If worst comes to worst, our upstairs room (they call it a “bonus room” for whatever reason) has a separate HVAC system and we can just move into here!  

Actually, my workout equipment (weights etc.) is in he bonus room, and I normally write my journal and basically spend my early morning in the room in cold weather, so I am relatively warm right now!

When we bought the house, we bought a “home warranty” just to be safe.  We’ll see how good it actually is.  

This is the time of year I figure each good weather day is good since it isn’t a bad weather day!  I know there will be some “bad weather” days, but the fewer the better.  

Dream last night that I was swimming with my iPhone and then I suddenly realized it wasn’t waterproof!   I remember thinking it was water resistant but not water proof!  Of course, by then it would have been too late fro the phone anyway!  That is the only snippet of the dream I can remember.  Again, I have no idea what it means or why I was dreaming that way!

Read yesterday that a state director was getting a $15,000 per year raise.  This, while many state employees are paid not much more than that as their total pay!  

Of course the normal reasons were give (pay was lower for the position, hard to keep someone at the pay etc.).  You can say that about any state job.  Not a good idea.  In fact I find it hard to believe that they are allowing it.

The “Great American Literature” lectures have moved on from F. Scott Fitzgerald to Ernest Hemingway.  I never realized how much the same their basic concepts were.  

The time between Thanksgiving and New Year Day frequently seems to be almost a “pause” period.  Of course that isn’t really what happens, but soon I expect to start hearing the comment “After the Holidays….” in response to questions about projects etc.

Of course, soon it is “After the Holidays…” and the excuse for delay is no longer there!  (I try not to use the term!).  

I did enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays, it was a very nice holiday.  

“Office day” today (at least at this time).  Fortunately I can dress warm enough to be comfortable until eh heating blower is installed.  Of course, I always worry about the repair person coming back and having the wrong part, or something else is needed.

Now is a good time to move to a “Nest” thermostat.  I am going to start reading up about it. I think I can even control it form my iWatch!

Actually,I am surprised at the number of appliances that can be controlled from your iPhone and how simple it is!

That’s it for now, Tuesday, November 29, 2016. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

2016 Fall November 28 Monday

61 degrees, Walk 34:51 minutes 

Starting work again after a 4 day weekend!  Always a little tough, even if you really enjoy your work!

I think my expectations of a good weekend were met.  It is hard to say what my expectations were, except for good food and good visiting and a change of pace for four days!  

Listening to the Lectures on “The Great Gatsby”.  It has a lot to say.  I don’t recall ever actually reading the book, but I will have  to put it on my to read “tu it”. 

In it he mentions the main character tries to “erase the past”  (maybe like “you can’t go home again” and, of course fails.  

Over Thanksgiving, for some reason I asked my daughter if she had ever read the short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” and she said she had read it in high school.

I was surprised to hear she remembered reading it in high school (although high school isn’t that far in the past for her.)

Then I realized that I still remember short stories and books I read when I was in probably the 4th or 5th grade, so they apparently had an impact on me!

I think what surprised me most of all was the fact that I wasn’t aware of a major short story, primarily because it wasn’t even taught when I was in high school and even college, it hadn’t been “discovered” yet as an important story.  

Sometimes I wonder how it is determined (and who determines it) if a short story, poem, book etc. is considered “important” enough to teach to students, many for whom what they learned in that class freezes their opinion or knowledge of what is “important” literature for the rest of their lives.  

Probably a good reason for requiring long-term education, I think too much of what I learned may not relate to the present all that much. 

On the other hand, you can learn from the past.  Certainly a knowledge of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy is an important lesson in today’s world of scapegoating and targeting of certain races, religions or classes of people as “its all their fault”, the “big lie” etc.   

I wasn’t surprised that the Attorney General of this state is being considered for a position in the national government.   Incompetent people appointing incompetent people . 

He wasted a lot of state funds on his own personal projects and hopefully will go to Washington DC and never come back.  

I am sure he will be happy trying to force his personal (and paid for) opinions on everyone else.

It is is rumored he is thinking of running for Governor in 2018, which would be a true disaster.  It would be interesting to know how much state money he spent on personal projects suing the federal government and how much money he took from special interests and then wrote an “opinion” on what the law meant.

A good reason that I learned you should never depend on “Attorney General” opinions, they probably reflect the opinion of special interests, not the actual law.  

Anyway, that’s my opinion!

That’s it for now, Monday, November 28, 2016.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

2016 Fall November 27 Sunday

53 degrees this morning, walk 35:49 minutes

Although it is warmer than it has been other mornings, it felt cold this morning.  Perhaps it is my expectations, perhaps it is the way I dress for the walk.

Expectations have a lot to do with the actual experience, or at least the perception of the actual experience.  

I have known people who said they didn’t have any positive expectations so they were pleasantly surprised if things did work out right!

I can’t be like that, I think part of the enjoyment of an event or whatever is the expectations of the event or experience. If all of your expectations aren’t met, so what?  If your expectations are negative, you will have also lost a lot of enjoyment in the event experience!

Perhaps the best route is to have positive expectations, but don’t become so immersed in your positive expectations that you aren’t also realistic.  

However I feel positive expectations are important.  For example, if a person doesn’t have high positive expectations, it could mean you won’t work as hard in preparation because you really feel you are just going to be disappointed anyhow!

I also feel that high expectations can mean a more positive review of the event or experience, simply because you expect to enjoy it or have a rewarding experience  

Anyway, I had some high expectations of the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, and so far I can say my positive expectations have been met!

Perhaps part of the process is also that you have positive expectations, but allow yourself to be flexible in what a positive experience is.  

The type of expectations also matter.  For example, if in my own mind, there is only one outcome that will make it a positive outcome, I am not likely to have a positive experience, then if I just felt positive about having a nice weekend!

Part of this concept of “expectations” may have do with my “expectations”  about my walk but part of it may have come from listening to the lecture about the “Great Gatsby” and some of the story lines, where “expectations” could only have been described as very high expectations..

Again, this morning watching a tape of “Formula One” reaction as I write this.  To one driver, it will only be a  success, if he wins, to another driver it will be a success if he gets a point!

To another it may be a success if he even qualifies for the race!

I was rather surprised to see that two of the four “LED” light bulbs is out in this room this morning.  Not sure if it is the fixture or  the light bulbs.  I’ll check.

Again, my expectations are that the bulbs were going to last for years, so I will be very disappointed if they lasted less than six months.  While they are “guaranteed” , ti would be difficult to determine exactly where they were purchased at, although I can determine where they were manufactured and complain to the manufacturer.  

Probably handling expectations is one of the toughest things for any company, manager or parent to handle!  

That’s it for now, Sunday, November 27, 2016.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

2016 Fall November 26 Saturday

30 degrees this morning, walk 35:12 minutes

In spite of the temperature, a nice morning for a walk.  

Christmas is truly here, Aliene bought out the Christmas theme in the house!  I enjoy he changing of he seasons (basically Christmas/New Year, Valentines, Spring, Summer and Fall, with some Halloween thrown in.  

Technically the Thanksgiving Holiday is over, but of course, it is now the weekend so it is really just an extension of it!  

We haven’t been out shopping at all (other than routine items).  I have decided if I want to buy something (other than disposable items), I am going to buy what I want, not just because it is on sales. 

The cost of possession is just too high to buy something just because it is on sale!

Watching “Formula 1” auto racing (obviously taped)  as I write this.  I actually like it best of any type of auto racing.  NASCAR races are just too long, they need to change the format, except maybe for a very few of the classic races.  Of course I always liked the format of the “Qualifying Heats, Semi-Main and Main”. 

Formula 1 is one race, but it is relatively short and even has a time limit.  

Listening this morning to T.S. Eliot again.  As the lectures mentioned, many people find him unreadable (I have a feeling I am one of those).  In “the Wasteland”, he actually added 4 pages of “notes” because the publisher told him he had to have four more pages, so rather than add four pages, he just added “notes”.

Anyway, this because a “new form” of literature (for a short time)!  Strange how such things come about.  

In spite of the fact that I probably have never and will never read any of his work, I love some of his quotes!  

The series is just starting on F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby” is the first one the lecturer is going to review.  Another great author for quotes!

We actually were in Asheville, NC one time and learned a lot about him.  O’Henry is also buried there.  

I always enjoyed O’Henry’s stories, although sometimes his surprise endings were a little hard to take, especially “The Gifs of the Magi”.  

One thing I like about the series is I don’t know what the lectures are going to cover until I hear them, so it is kind of like opening a gift (some I like, some I don’t!) when he starts a lecture on a new author.  But no matter what, I learn something.
It has been a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday, a little cool, but not bad for this time of year.  Around the house, I am still wearing shorts, a tee shirt and scandals, so that is good!  I go out to check the mail etc. dressed like that, but dress warmer when we go out someplace!

Finished reading Jefferson Bass, “Without Mercy”.  It was a good escapist book.  

Looking forward to the rest of the weekend!

That’s it for now, Saturday, November 26, 2016.

Friday, November 25, 2016

2016 Fall November 25 Friday

40 degrees this morning. Walked 35:15 minutes. 

Excellent Thanksgiving Day.  It was a wonderful day weather wise and also the food and visiting was great!

Also a good day for a walk this morning even though it was supposed to ‘feel like 34 degrees”.  I probably still dress too warm for my walk.

Trying to develop a schedule to go to the gym on a regular basis.  After learning the YMCA here was primarily interested in making money by leasing the pool during swimming “prime time” rather than serving their members, we had no desire to support the YMCA in any way.  They obviously are more concerned about the money they make than any service. 

I accidentally saw the the letter the YMCA sent me where they basically said “we wan to lease the pool so we can make some money, TS, to to another YMCA 20 miles away.  The City obviously didn’t care either, but elections are coming.  

The gym we joined is a lot cheaper and has much better hours (actually they are 24 hours during the week and for some weird reason are closed from during the night for Friday and Saturday).   Of course, there is no swimming pool, which is disappointing. 

We are debating using a “trainer” for awhile, but haven’t decided yet. 

A four day Holiday is really nice, provides a chance to really have a real break,  Too bad there aren’t more of them, but I am glad for the ones we have!

The “American Literature” course I am listening to now has finished Robert Frost and now started on T.S. Eliot.  Another author I probably have read some of his work, but I am more familiar with what I have heard about it than having actually read it.  

I started to look up something on Google about T.S. Eliot and had so some much invasive advertising on the web page I was sent to, I just canceled out of it in disgust.  

Nothing makes me more unlikely to buy something than some bullying tactic such as not letting me cancel out of an ad etc.  

I think advertisers (or maybe the web pages, Facebook, Twitter etc.) need to read the story about the goose that laid the golden egg.  They are getting to the point they are killing the goose and I don’t read a lot of stuff on the internet because I am tried to dealing the the invasive ads.

Somehow they seem to think like some salespersons, if they harass you enough you will buy from them. Not the way it works.

I learned  from experience that a “good” salesperson doesn’t try to bully you etc. they just learn your needs and then how (and if) they can assist in resolving those needs.  

Hopefully can work some more on the “security” system using some old cell phones.  
Another project I learned I can use old cell phones for is as a “dashcam” for our car.  I haven’t really started on that one yet.  I try to find a “dashcam” that would be reliable and relatively easy to use and also one that wouldn’t attract attention or that could beastly moved..  

Some of the driving around here would make entertaining videos!  

Looking forward to the second day of my four day weekend!  No, we aren’t participating in the “Black Friday” sales!

That’s it for now, Friday November 25 2016. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

2018 Fall November 24 Thursday (Thanksgiving Day)

2016 Fall November 24 Thursday (Thanksgiving Day)

45 degrees this morning, Walk 35:36 minutes 

Strange, this morning my iWatch said it was 40 degrees and my iPhone said it was 45 degrees Not a small difference!  I figure it must be based on where the temperature is measured.  

In any event, it is tough to dress for my walk in these temperatures since I tend to dress too warm, which is better  than not wearing enough I guess.

Thinking about starting to extend my walk a little, undecided.  I’d eventually like to get to about 1/3 more, which would be another 12 minutes or so.

Of course 12 minutes sounds like nothing, and it is, but it is the number of “12 minute” obligations that make the day get too busy!  12 minutes more walking then the time spent on the boxing bag, than  the weights etc.  

The iWatch actually has a very strong battery.  Even after using the GPS for my walk, fiddling with it all day etc., it still has over 60% of the battery left when I put it on the charger.  Actually could wear it for two days, but there is no use pushing it since there is a natural break when I can recharge it.  

I actually miss it when it is recharging, that is how much of a part of your life it becomes.  

Considering what a “series 1” iWatch can be purchased for (same watch except for the GPS, and waterproof as the Series 2, depending on which case etc. you purchase), frankly I think it is one of the biggest bargains out there.  

Considering what the iWatch can do, the cost is trivial.  My opinion obviously, and you still need to have an iPhone to sync it too.  The system works well though.  

It seems like every day I learn something more about it that just amazes me. 

I started reading a novel that I “got into” which makes me feel better.  I was beginning to think I was losing interest in reading.  I realize change happens, but I would have really missed the pleasure I get out of reading a good novel.  

Listening to the “Great American Literature” Lectures, they are on Robert Frost.  I have to admit I never saw any sexual references in Robert Frost poetry, although I can see what the lecturer is getting too

Apparently Robert Frost is criticized for not being dense enough and to easy to read.  (My words, but I think the concept is the same).  I actually feel like that is what makes him a good poet. 

Obviously I remember him most for “The Road Not Taken” and “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening”, but they haven’t even discussed these poems yet.  

One short story he discussed before that was “The Yellow Wallpaper”, (by Charlotte Perkins Gilman) one I have never heard of before, but one that sounded interesting.

Thanksgiving Day today.  I actually have a lot of memories of Thanksgiving Day, maybe more so than even Christmas.  Maybe because the weather is usually better than Christmas, although one of the events I remember when I was a kid was a a bad snowstorm over Thanksgiving.

Actually it was 20 years ago today when I took an impulsive trip.  (It is cheap to fly on Thanksgiving Day itself!)  Not a lot happened, but I think I developed some insights into life and into myself.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, November 24, 2016.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

2016 Fall November 23 Wednesday

50 degrees this morning, walk 35:34 minutes 

All week, I have been two days ahead, it is finally Wednesday, which of course seems like Friday!  

My iPhone 3 (my original iPhone, which I figure is about 7 years old, and it would be about  the Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandchild of the iPhone 7).  After two or three “Greats”, it probably doesn’t matter too much since it is probably obsolete!

Anyway, I am having a hard time finding any “apps” which will run on it.  Even Audible won’t run on it anymore.  Of course, it is still good for photos and music more music than anything .  

I recently discovered a “security app”, which turns an old iPhone (or any Android phone) into a security camera.  It actually works very well.  It will make the iPhone 3S a very nice security camera I can monitor over any other phone (even with sound etc.).  

However, it won’t work on my iPhone 3, but I will reset it and see.

Of course, the major problem is the usual ones of placing it where you can run an electric cord and how to place it.  

Still haven’t solved those problems yet, but I think I can use some velcro to help out.  One camera is free, more than one camera (old iPhone) and cloud storage is a small monthly fee.

A lot cheaper (and really just as good) as a security camera, although I don’t know how long an old iPhone will last.  I’ll find out.

I’m going to reset my iPhone 3 and see if I can get it to work with the app.  

i have to think that “1984” is actually her.  I can be followed any place, anywhere without any problem and even without my knowledge.  Fortunately I don’t know why anyone would want to, but… it is just the idea.

Of course, with the clowns we have coming into power, I am more worried about it.  

Computer just froze up on me and I had to reset it.  Fortunately I didn’t lose what I had written.  (Maybe someone IS following me and they didn’t like what I wrote!)

Anyway I can easily see all of the “1984” aspects being used to follow, harass and try to intimidate persons.  Actually, “wikileaks” is probably something like that.

However, with all of the security cameras etc. and iPhones etc. it would be very easy to monitor someone 24 hours a day without their knowledge and probably even control their car, cell phone etc.

In a way, I am surprised there hasn’t been more “blocking” apps and software made available, so that individuals can take action to prevent themselves being followed, observed by security cameras etc.  

It figures it would be perfect for some business, like the “radar” and “radar detectors” (made by the same company of course), “escalating” so that every year of so law enforcement has to buy a new radar detector that can’t be followed by the radar detector and they they sell a radar detector that detects the new radar etc., so it goes!

By the way, the security app I mentioned is “Manything”.  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, November 23, 2016. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

2018 Fall November 22 Tuesday

68 degrees this morning, no walk (rain)

Light rain this morning, I thought maybe it had ended, but decided not to take the chance and it was lucky I didn’t walk.    

This morning I really wanted to take my walk, it is a little different when the rain gives me a break!  However, I didn’t want to take a chance.

First Thanksgiving dinner last night (or maybe I should say the first Holiday dinner, since it will continue until past January!).  

At least it provided me with an early warning to watch what I eat.  I thought I was taking small portions, but small portions of everything and very good and rich food makes for a lot of food!

I keep thinking of today as “Thursday”, even wrote “Thursday” on my calendar.  I guess I am prepared for the Thanksgiving holiday.

It was our Toastmaster Club “Thanksgiving Dinner” and it was very nice.  A chance to sit around and talk instead of standing up and talking!

Actually it was this time of year when I first jointed Toastmasters.  I was lucky and found a good club which, at the time, met on the best night for me.  

It actually was a very important part of my life for years, as I went from being a member to being one of the main officers of the club. 

One of the things I learned was to always are aware of developing a “new class” of leaders who would be ready to take over in the future.  I learned it by not doing it.

I can still remember the day I said “yes” to a leadership position in the club.  I hadn’t been at all interested and then I suddenly was involved.

I was disappointed when I went to Memphis and never really found a compatible club and kind of went “inactive” for 13 years. 

I remained a member of my original club and resumed going several years ago.  It had changed a lot of course (including the name and meeting day), and it is still an excellent club. 

It may be a good year for “brick” retail.  I am already noticing larger crowds in the malls.  

I believe it has been 54 years since the JFK assassination today. 

Another dream (I have no idea where this one came from!)

11-21-16:  Dream

Dream I pulled into garage after reading a story about  a teenager killing his father.

I saw the teenager taking the gun and walking around from my open garage door. (In the dream he didn’t notice me).  I even took my walking stick and aimed it at him wondering if I could get him to drop the gun.

Later (this is a dream), he was in the garage and I came up behind him and could have grabbed the gun, (it was stuffed down his back) but I didn’t for some r reason.  (Another person was there.)

Later I was on an outdoor patio telling my Sisters about it.  There was a wreck in front of the patio.

I woke up, glad it was a dream.

That’s it for today, Tuesday, November 22, 2016