I just passed the anniversary of when I started basic training in the Air Force and didn't even think about it (July 15) as did the day I was discharged (Friday, July 13 since the 15th was on a Sunday!). Time passes.
Summer of 2011 is about halfway over. This morning, I realized the days were already getting shorter, but I'll enjoy the summer while it is here!
One of the primary activities I enjoy about summer is sitting outside on my patio either reading or working (thank goodness for wi fi!). I enjoy not having to dress for cold weather, I love hot weather.
The birds clog the feeders (yes I now have two with room for a third). I fear I have made a bunch of dependent birds, dependent on me remembering to get the food out in the morning. I try to arrange for enough food when I am out of town overnight, but I really feel a sense of guilt! I am sure they find food someplace, but I still feel a slight sense of guilt.
I enjoy the "forest" in back, but early in the morning when I walk, I hear sounds from the forest and nearby indicating that life is probably rough in the forest for the wildlife. (Such as some animals becoming food etc.-I won't get into it anymore than that.)
I enjoy each day of summer, but it is going by so fast it is becoming a blur. It is already time for the Courter Reunion, which has always, to me, meant the end of summer and the start of school. Of course, in reality, at least in Lakeland, I enjoy summer weather for at least three more months and frequently well into September.