Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer of 2011 is here!

My favorite day, June 21, the first day of SUMMER!!

I am sitting outside (in a slightly cool breeze tonight) listening to the summer sounds and enjoying the thoughts of the summer to come.

The birds (at least most of them) won't come to the feeders (yes, I now have two feeders for my spoiled birds), so they are probably mad.

Slightly hidden in my subconscious are thoughts that today is the longest day of the year and it only goes downhill from here until June 21, 2012! However, I will enjoy the next four or five months of nice weather for my early morning walks, bike rides and just sitting out on the patio enjoying the weather.

Occasionally, I'll take the time to just sit back and think about what will happen in the next year, the next ten years and life in general. I take a moment from work, reading etc. and just kick back and listen to the sounds of summer and feel the breeze.

Summer of 2012 has begun and I will treasure the memories of each day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer of 2011

Sitting outside, listening to the cicadas, working on stuff, reading, drinking ice tea. It doesn't get much better than this!

The only slight problem is that thought in the back of my mind that June 21 is coming and the days will start to get shorter, and winter will come but such is life.

I enjoy the early morning walk and bike ride in the early morning heat.

At times like this, it is hard to believe that winter even exists!

Wonderful time at the CMA Fest, am writing up a summary of it. Some "once in a lifetime" happenings!