Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It was the Best of Days and the Worst of Days

December 21 (first day of Winter) is the worst of days because it is the shortest and darkest day of the year and the best of days because the days start getting longer and Summer is coming!

On the other hand, June 21 (first day of Summer) is the best of days because it is the longest and lightest day of the year and the worst of days because the days start getting shorter and Winter is coming!

Problem Resolved? (Somewhat at least)

After 1 1/2 years of frustration, the problem with the Bestbuy tv etc. may be resolved, or at least mitigated. Of course, there is still the matter of the TiVo which was improperly installed with the Comcast Box etc.

A TV repair company that contracts with Bestbuy came by and knew immediately what was wrong. The tv's required a software upgrade Bustbuy was supposed to do before we purchased them.. He did it (from his vehicle) and we haven't had a problem thus far. This, after a year and 1/2 of fighting Comcast and Bestbuy!

Of course, in the ultimate stupidity by Bestbuy, they wouldn't let him do the other tv (the very same model bought on the very same day), because it wasn't authorized and they had some kind of weird policy about one repair per day! Aliene even talked to a Supervisor. I called back and of course couldn’t talk with a Supervisor, but was advised they could simply schedule a work repair.

I didn’t have the numbers and when Aliene called back they advised her they would prefer to “walk me through it”. Of course, so they could blame me if anything went wrong. I advised them they should send the same repair company out.

What is really weird is that the very first repair person they asked to do the work on the tv decided it was an electronic card. (This was without looking at it.) However, they advised they wouldn't do the work unless we took the tv down, undid everything and then reinstall everything. I told them that was unacceptable and so they sent out two other tv repair people, one who didn't find anything wrong and the one who immediately knew what was wrong.

However, Bestbuy had apparently approved the first tv repair shop to change out the electronic card and they advised Aliene, even if not needed, they were going to do it and if we didn't let them in, they would cancel out contract!

We have decided Bestbuy has to be the most disorganized and incompetent company in the world.

To make matters worse, I haven’t received a call from the Bestbuy main office where they advised they WOULD call back within 24-48 hours (that was about 65 hours ago) and a representative who I have been dealing with on the incorrect service call commented that “Well, it wasn’t the Tivo installation”.

Maybe that is why I sold all of my Bestbuy stock.

Comcast and Bestbuy: The Saga Continues: Another $130 down the drain, the problem continues

The Comcast service technician came out last night (Tuesday). After charging $130, we discovered he had disconnected the TiVo and, worst yet, the "repairs" did absolutely nothing to help the problem.

(These were the "repairs" that two Bestbuy reps and one tv technician said were Comcast's responsibility and "they would fix the problem and Comcast shouldn't charge us for them".

After he left, Aliene called Comcast. The Representative tried some things and then said she'd call back in 30 minutes. Guess what!!! Of course, she never called back.

When I got home, (this was several hours later after the 30 minutes had long expired), I called Comcast and was basically advised, "get over it, we are Comcast". She let me know that Comcast could absolutely care less about my problem and their incompetent inability to fix the problem.

After this, I got with TiVo and discovered that three Bestbuy service technicians and two Comcast technicians had us using the cable box when we didn't need it (which saves us about $15 per month, or $180 per year!).

To be continued.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bestbuy "warranty" is worthless

The Bestbuy "warranty" is worthless, since the "service tech" can apparently decide to charge whatever he wants and say the service call isn't part of the warranty.

I spent over three hours on the phone with Bestbuy over the weekend and all they will say is that the Service Tech (who I am sure makes more money on a non-warranty service call) is the one who decides! A strange way to run a business.

Less that two weeks after the installation, the item I purchased is not working properly again! So, who do I call when I know that the "Geek Squad"member is financially motivated to call it a non-warranty call and it apparently is not reviewable by anyone?

Obviously, I will never again purchase an item from Bestbuy where he warranty is important! They just flat don't honor it and, what is worse, charge an extremely high fee for the call!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

John Berry

I watched a video of John Berry this morning signing "O Holy Night" and was amazed at his magnificent singing voice. I don't recall ever hearing him before, but when I checked Google, I found he had a number of albums and is well known.

I checked with iTunes, found the "O Holy Night" album on sale for $4.99 and downloaded it! Some days things just work our right! I probably will download other of his albums in the future. I really enjoy listening to his voice. I even am becoming a member of his Fan Club in the event I am ever close enough to see him perform in person!

Bestbuy: An example of Corporate arrogance and fees

Over the past several weeks especially, and the past 1 1/2 years in general, I have discovered that Bestbuy does not honor its "protection plan", has extremely poor "customer service" and is interested mainly in sticking it's customers with additional fees and charges. In addition Bestbuy does not honor it's installation guarantee.

Just yesterday, at attempt was made to charge a $109 "service fee" in spite of the fact the service call was necessary due to improper installation by Bestbuy.

I spent 45 minutes on the phone and was advised different items such as "the computer was down" to "they aren't answering" (other departments in Bestbuy). Finally they advised I would be on hold for at least another 15 minutes and I advised them to call me. Of course, that is what they wanted and they never called back.

On the Service Fee, I called Friday and advised of the problem. In this case, we are covered both by their "protection plan" and their "installation guarantee" of one year (both I found are worthless).

I carefully explained that both Bestbuy and Comcast have charged nuisance "service calls" in the past and I wanted to know if there was going to be a service charge. She advised 'the service tech would ADVISE ME IN ADVANCE of any charges. Of course, at the end of the call the service tech gave me a bill for $109 and is now harassing me for payment. Of course, I will pay it and immediately protest the charge as fraud.

I am also planning on notifying the Tennessee Attorney General of the lack of Bestbuy to honor its "protection plan" and "installation guarantee" and asking if this violates consumer protection laws.

Bestbuy was also very misleading when we bought the items. We excused it as us not asking the right questions, but now I feel like it was deliberate misleading and it is a part of their corporate culture.

Another lesson learned. We actually purchase most of our appliances etc. from Sears just because we are pleased with their warranty performance. We should have done so this time also!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

#?*! Motor Trend's Stereotyping of Older People (AKA "Your Grandfathers Car"!)

I used to read/scan Car and Driver and enjoy it. The writing was good and entertaining and they didn’t take themselves too seriously. For whatever reason (probably the blizzard of renewals you get to the point that I just give up to wait for the final offer, or maybe a lack of time), I quit receiving it.

So, in a weak moment, I accepted a offer from Motor Trend that was extremely low cost. From the first issue, I was disappointed in Motor Trend, the writing was poor, the magazine was disorganized.

I realized I had “gotten what I paid for”, which wasn’t much except another magazine to give to the Library after it sat round unread for a month.

A reference to “your Grandfathers car” and “This car is for people who are too old to enjoy a good car” (or something to that nature-I tossed the magazine in the trash in disgust) infuriated me.

I have never liked the term “your Grandfathers/Grandmothers (fill in the blank)” at any age, even when I was a teenager, much less now that I am a Grandfather. (I also hate the term “Dude” for other reasons.)

I am surprised in this day that such a stereotypical term is used to denigrate older people as uncreative, liking plain items, and, by extension, being dull and boring.

Probably I am all the more edgy about this when, within the last two weeks I encountered two people who are probably in their 50’s and early 60’s who were “downsized” and now can’t even get an interview, much less a job. They both are about to lose their house.

THEN, i see a reference stereotyping a car as a “your Grandfathers car” to boring, unimaginative and “good enough” for older people who of course, according to the writer, aren’t interested in any innovative cars. Of course, I know “Grandfathers and Grandmothers” who drive Corvettes, experimental cars, innovative cars as well as the “reasonable” cars!

Of course, I canceled my subscription to Motor Trend, but, more important, I do not intend to let the stereotyping of older people as uninteresting, unimaginative, uncreative etc. who only deserve or want the most boring of anything. I will protest any use of that term I see it.

I think such stereotyped images of older people is one reason I see so many older people out of jobs, desperate for work and, in many cases about ready to lose their houses and become homeless.

Now how I will respond to “Dude” is another posting. (Another term I truly hate is “pimping a (whatever)”, but that is also for the future!