Sunday, September 26, 2010

Summer is truly over, report on weight

64 Degrees this morning, so I know summer is truly over, not just officially over! I wore a long sleeve shirt and still needed to add more clothes! I realize there will be more warm weather before Winter, but it just isn't the same as the "endless Summer".

I weigh myself once a week, in accordance with Weight Watcher instructions. I had lost 19 lbs last week, I'll weigh tomorrow morning and see if I lost anymore. If not, I'll just keep on trying!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Summer of 2010

The Summer of 2010 has officially ended! I consider it to have been a wonderful Summer, mostly hot and dry! I enjoyed it! I realize the seasons have to change, but I hate to see Summer go. The cold of Winter seems to last so long before the Summer heat comes back.

Every year, around February, I start thinking I need to take a short vacation someplace warm, but I never have. Maybe this year....

Aliene is doing better, the Doctors have found the cause of the problem and hopefully can treat it. I am pleased to find that the Saint Francis of Bartlett is so nice. The Emergency Room was quick and almost all of the personnel are dedicated and customer oriented. We are pleased to have the hospital so close. (The other hospitals are good also, but it is good to have one about 5 miles away! What is strange is that I thought the hospital wasn't in our insurance plan,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Watching my Weight

After the Family Reunion in early August, I decided to get serious about my weight and start "watching what I eat". I had subscribed to the "On-line Weight Watchers" web sites/program for almost a year and hadn't really been following it consistently, so I decided this was it! If I didn't use it, I'd cancel the program as a waste of money. The iPhone App that allowed me to sign in and record what I ate from anywhere was a real help.

I decided I wasn't going to "diet", but I was going to "change my way of eating".

I was shocked at the amount of calories, fat and sodium in restaurant and other food, so it has been fairly simple to identify why I was gaining weight. Controlling my eating will always be a problem for me I expect. Fortunately, I have kept up my exercise even as I kept up my eating!

Thus far I have been fairly successful at controlling my eating. Peanut Butter is what I miss most, although I do allow myself to eat it within the "point" system of Weightwatchers.

One good thing about the Weightwatchers Plan is that it allows some additional "weekly" points and it also provides "points" (Points equal additional food!) for exercise, so I have even extended my exercise to get an additional point or two?

The bottom line is a 14 1/2 pound loss. I realize the "easy pounds" are off and it will be much harder from now on, but at least is is encouraging!