Sunday, February 28, 2010

The First Crocus

This is the time of year I start watching for the first "Crocus" (actually any bright yellow flower that indicates Spring it near, I just call it a "Crocus").

At least it means Spring is not far behind, although sometimes it seems to take forever for Spring to come.

When I think of the "Crocus" (which probably is a Lily here), I think of my house where half of the backyard was Day Lilies. They were beautiful with a wide variety of colors. I always wish I'd taken some of each variety with me.

This has been the worst winter since we moved to Lakeland. It snowed more times, and even worse, the continual cold that was "below normal" temperatures. Overall, the winter hasn't been that bad, at least even when it is cold I don't have to contend with the wind very often!

For some reason, the birds are mobbing the bird feeder. Maybe they are feeling the weather in other places or the earthquake! Or maybe they are just hungry and just found the bird feeder!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Longer Days and Shorter Nights!

I am pleased to the daylight get longer a little each day! In spite of the weather, it provides hope that Spring is coming soon!

The "Winter" continues as snow is on the ground. Fortunately it's not a problem as the snow is just on the grass and there was never any problem with the roads this time. However, the temperature remains cold enough that the snow stays longer than I have seen before!

The birds in the back yard feed almost obsessively as they apparently feel the snow and cold weather approach. They are eating at least 3 times what they normally eat each day. The only bad part is that I feel guilty when I am out of town and can't bring the feeder out! Each morning there are birds literally waiting for the food to come out. I feel rather guilty for making them so dependent, although I'm sure in reality they have alternate sources.

I heard coyotes howl the other night, right before I take my early morning walk. While I know in theory coyotes are scared of humans ....

I recently realized (due to the illness of an employee) that my allergies may not be allergies, but rather symptoms of "GERD". I remember how the nagging cough I had for years stopped after I stopped drinking carbonated beverages. I "rewarded" myself with one after about 3 months and was "rewarded" with a hacking cough for several hours! I didn't need any more proof than that.

I have always had hoarseness after a while and I think it must be the GERD.

I am having a tougher time stopping coffee (I really don't try to be honest) and the Memphis area "sweet tea". (I don't have any problem with regular tea, even with sweetener or sugar, I really don't care for it). Both of these are not good for "GERD".

Other factors are losing weight (groan, I know, I'm trying), eating smaller meals (I'm trying) etc. I do get exercise (although the weather has hurt my bike riding).

I am listening to "1864" while I walk in the morning. It is about Lincoln in 1864 and is fascinating. I failed to mark Lincoln's actual birthday as I intended to. The more I read about Lincoln and his life, the more fascinated I am with him. Sometime soon, I want to take a "Lincoln Tour" and visit Springfield and Washington DC and the areas associated with Lincoln. Several years ago, I was fortunate to visit Gettysburg and visit the actual site of the Gettysburg Address.

Another cold morning, but I just think of it as one more day towards Spring!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Trudging through Winter

Sometimes I wonder what processes are involved in going from living in our house "over 4 years" to "almost 4 1/2 years" to "almost 5 years" (same with length on the job, or when the "new car" suddenly becomes an "old car". Or for that matter, when Winter becomes "almost Spring"!

The cold weather continues and it is that time of the Winter when I wished I had made arrangements to go someplace warm (or rather hot) just for a weekend or something to get out of the cold weather. (Although I have to admit the Winter in Lakeland isn't all that bad. All I need is to visit family in Oklahoma City and feel the wind and I don't feel I have it so bad in Lakeland!).

This is one of the first Winters where my bicycle riding has been disrupted a lot. Normally, I am able to continue riding even in the cold, but the snow and rain has interrupted my riding more than usual. I have been able to continue walking for the most part without any problem. I used to listen to music during my walks, I have also started listening to books and podcasts while I walk.

The birds have been eating up a storm the past month, especially a day or so before the snow arrives. I had to bring them in while I was in Oklahoma City (to avoid the Possum or Raccoon that tries to eat the bird feed at night), so I'll see if they come back. I feel bad about making them dependent on me feeding them and then not be here for several days to feed them! They even gather around in the morning waiting for me to bring out the feeder!