Sunday, January 17, 2010

Down the hill of winter!

I can feel the days start to get longer, even though it is still cool (although a lot warmer than a few days ago)! That means Spring is coming, although I'm sure Winter will still have a few blows.

It has been a rather unusual winter. We got caught in a 14 " snow storm/blizzard on Christmas Eve in Oklahoma City. We were caught in our motel room (with nothing to eat except some food from the vending machine). It started with frozen rain, then sleet and then snow.

David and Michelann came and got us in their 4-wheel drive Christmas Day and took us over to eat. We still didn't dare drive in the snow. We finally drove some Saturday, but even when I drove to the airport Monday there were still icy spots.

Aliene stayed to help her mother move to Assisted Living. Not a pleasant task.

The birds who had disappeared seemed to have come back to the bird feeder, although the Golden Finches haven't come back. I need to learn more about birds and what they like to eat. One of my "Tu'it"s! (Someone once sent me a round coin marked "Tuit" with an enclosed message it was time to take action since I had " a round tuit".

We have been busy with work and other activities. Aliene is still taking Physical Therapy for her foot. At least she doesn't have any pain. Work has kept me busy and I am still working on learning computer programs and reading when I get a chance!

Angela is going back to school (working on a degree in Theater). She decided to quit at Walgreens, since she felt she needed to concentrate on school. Kali and Katherine are both enjoying school. Kali is learning to play the violin.

I have continued my early morning walk, but the weather and cold have limited my bicycle rides and I can feel not riding the bicycle! Since Aliene is able to go back to the gym now, I do have a chance to ride the stationary bicycle, but it's not the same.

Speaking of "its not the same", the Commercial Appeal (the Memphis daily paper) has a "digital edition" (exact replica of the paper) that I can read on-line. It is nice when I am out of town. Sometimes my "real" paper runs late and I try to read the 'digital edition" here to keep up with my time, but it really just isn't the same. I doubt if I will get a digital book reader in the near future, since it just isn't the same as reading a book. Maybe the Apple "iSlate" or "iPad" or whatever they decide to call it will change my mind. I have read books on my iPhone and it actually isn't too bad.

Hope the good weather continues and Spring weather comes soon!