Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bird weather forecasters

Our Realtor gave us a bird feeder when we closed on our current house. Probably out of guilt more than desire we set it up after about a year.

It has been one of the best things we have done! We have really enjoyed watching the variety of birds that parade by the back of our house (and a few squirrels etc.).

We started to notice that when bad weather is coming (even rain), the birds seem to know it about a day in advance and start eating up a storm. They are literally hanging from the bird feeder!

It is a never interersting treat to watch the birds and it is especially interesting right before bad weather.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Guns in Parks and bars?

I was shocked recently to note that the Tennessee State Legislature, with a billion dollar budget short-fall, the fact that Tennessee ranks almost last in High School Graduates etc., all they can think of is forcing cities to allow guns in parks and allowing guns in bars. (Oh, yes, only for persons who aren't drinking-ha!)

Why they think they can run cities when they can't run the state is frightening. I know, it is money talking, but it seems they should have more courage than that.

Nothing against concealed weapons, but cities should have the right to ban them on their own public property and concealed weapons in bars is a real joke!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


While I have been vaguely aware of the "Sciatic nerve" pinching and creating pain, I didn't realize the full impact of it until Aliene developed it this week. She isn't one to complain about pain and it was obvious that Sciatica is very painful.

We ended up going to the emergency room Saturday night and Aliene having tests (to make sure it wasn't a blood clot etc.) and then getting a shot and other medicine for the pain.

The good thing is, it isn't a permanent condition like I assumed at first.

Spring flowers

I was pleased to see my first sighting of a Spring flower Friday! Although I'm sure the flower I saw was fooled and will be frozen for being the first, but at least it is a clear sign that Spring is coming!
I call them all Crocus, although I realize it may be a different flower. The concept is the same.

I am looking forward especially to not having to bundle up when I take my morning walk/bicycle ride and even more to the chance to sit outside and read or just enjoy the outdoors.

While I enjoy Spring, the cold seems to hang on so long, it seems to take forever before warm weather arrives.

Monday, February 02, 2009

I become a Tea drinking (Strong Sweet Tea Please!)

Like Sandburg's fog and age, I have quietly become a tea drinker. I'm not sure how it started, but it is where I am.

I used to drink 10 cups of coffee in the morning and probably another 10 cups throughout the day, until I went to bed. Even now, I can drink a cup of coffee and fall asleep the next minute.

I still drink about six cups of coffee in the morning, but than that is it. The rest of the day is usually tea or water. (I can't drink carbonated drinks due to GERD-they make me cough. A few years ago, I started having a nagging cough. I didn't know what it was until I was advised I had GERD (kind of like reflux). I quit drinking Pepsi etc. and one day decided to "reward" myself with a Pepsi and it started a fit of coughing-THAT made a believer of me.)

I didn't used to drink ice tea much (Oklahoma City restaurants serve very weak ice tea and it isn't worth it). Memphis has an excellent strong ice tea ane one day, by accident, i was given "Sweet Tea". That was it! I am a confirmed "Sweet Tea" addict!

I drink Sweet Tea all year, even in the coldest weather. Unfortuanately, I can't seem to get good Sweet Tea outside of Memphis. Even Nashville has "Oklahoma weak tea" and I might as well drink water.

Oddly enough, McDonalds, even in OKC and Nashville has good Sweet Tea.

I also have gotten into drinking hot tea through the day intead of coffee. Somehow, i don't miss the coffee throughout the day, although I still really enjoy it in the morning.

I am bemused by all of this. After drinking coffee for 45 years, I suddenly have become a tea drinker?