Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Lincoln and his Generals
I was fascinated by his Generals, who were characterized by inaction and continuing requests for "more, more, more". It was also interesting to see how Lincoln grew in office, as he gradually learned what a made a good General. (He put it simply-a good General takes action and wins battles!).
In a much smaller way (but just as important to our residents!), I can see parallels to Department Heads who delay action and continually want more resources and they they'll take care of a problem. I can hear it now "just one more (name it) and THAT will be all I need".
Saturday, May 26, 2007
TEAM OF RIVALS-A super read!
I just finished reading “Team of Rivals” by Doris Kearns Goodwin. It was a fascinating story of
I heard her speak at an International City Managers Association meeting a few years ago and was intrigued by her knowledge and her way of describing history. I read all of her books (Wait Till Next Year, a story about her love of baseball and how her father taught her to love the game; No Ordinary Time, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II; The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys (which covered the history of the families up to when JFK became President) and Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream.
They are all fascinating, informative books regardless of your political beliefs about the persons involved!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Memorial Day
Also, Memorial Day always seemed to have some special events. When I was a child, I loved to LISTEN to the Indy 500. I'd go outside and listen to the entire race and I always had hopes of attending the race sometime. (I did visit the race track several years ago, but I have no desire to watch the race.)
Also, maybe because it was right after school, I always have memories of events around this time. When I was a freshman in college (between my Freshman and Sophomore year), I went to Denver, Colorado to work at Samsonite Corporation making suitcases as a summer job. I didn't have the slightest idea what I was getting into, but it was an enjoyable and educational Summer. I didn't have any idea how to get around in a big City (my Mom actually wrote me a check to use as money until I got my first paycheck-of course, not one would cash it and I ended up sleeping in the streets and bus station for several days) but I learned and it was a fascinating experience.It was also where I learned to like Tamales. I worked "swing shift" and the on street corners vendors would be selling tamales. On weekend nights, I'd wonder around downtown Denver and eat tamales and watch what I considered the wondrous "big city" life go by.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Memphis and Nashville on-airport parking-HORRIBLE!
We flew out of
Sudden it's Summer
Suddenly, it’s Summer and I don’t need to dress warm in the morning when I walk or when I bicycle. The flowers bloom without fear of freezing.
The first day, we just drove to the Continental Divide west of Grants,